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PSA – Wear your safety glasses! – Best anti-fog safety glasses I’ve found

In this video I review a few different pairs of safety glasses and give my recommendation on the best pair of anti-fog safety glasses that I have used so far! – Thanks for watching!

Warning: if you’re squeamish look away or skip ahead in the video!

Check out this piece of copper wire I pulled out of my eyeball the other day! So I was using a nail gun the other day, and if you’re familiar with coil nails you know that they are held together with strands of copper wire ran perpendicular to the nails. Well, a peice of that wire came flying out and hit me right in the eye! This peice lodge partially in the top right corner of my right iris, in this little black tear you see here – which is actually from a previous eye injury! This peice was scratching my eyelid and everytime I moved my (good) eye it would move around and goulge further into my eye. It was extremely painful and although it may be against Dr. Orders I pulled it out with a pair of tweezers in the side mirror of the truck on the jobsite. When I did a bunch of liquid and blood came pouring out of the puncture and I started to lose vision in that eye. I was worried I had “Steve Erwined” myself and made matters worse so from there I went to the ER. Luckily, there was minimal tissue damage, they checked for fragments with a UV light and prescribed some antibiotic eye drops for infection. My vision is slowly returning with a little bit if cloudiness I’m hoping is just from the fluids. Overall I am extremely lucky that I didn’t lose an eye. The thing is I knew better than to be using this tool without safety glasses but my excuse at the time was that I was inside with poor lighting, hot and dirty, my glasses kept fogging up, and I couldn’t see what I was doing. I should have set up more light and put on safety glasses anyway. Now I’m on the hunt for the best pair of anti-fog safety glasses I can find.

So let’s take a look and a few different safety glasses and the best I have found so far for anti-fog.


Safety Glasses #1 Pick – Milwalkee


Dewalt – Goggles


Yellow Lenses, 3 options: